Year 11 VM Students - VIC Police Tagged Presentation

The following are excerpts from Y11 VM students on a Vic Police Tagged presentation on the 13th of May.
The main points of the cyber safety presentation were how to be safe online and how to keep others safe. We watched a short film about how little things can have a dramatic turn and your actions can have severe consequences. We learnt that sending threats online can also get you arrested. - El Shaddai CRICHTON
The main point I learned is that when something goes on the internet it stays on it forever. There are ways to protect ourselves such as not posting photos or anything criminal on the internet. - Christian GUARDIANO
Strengthen password security, use strong, unique passwords for each online account. Incorporate a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. - Arif Rezaee
Digital reputation is a digital log of who you are, what you search, what you post, comment and like. It is basically how people see/interpret you online, "it's like having you're own Wikipedia page". To keep a secure or low profile online, it is best not to share too much information like your date of birth, where you live or anything about your life. - Chantelle PILKINGTON