Y11 Geography - Fieldwork Excursion

On Friday the 24th of May, the Year 11 Geography students visited Kinglake as part of their field study on the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. During the excursion, they visited the Kinglake Heritage centre, where they attended a workshop run by the local CFA staff and residents from Kinglake who witnessed the bushfires; during this workshop, students learned about the causes of the bushfires, how they became so severe, the impacts of the fires on the local community and how the community recovered following the disaster.
Following this, students visited the local national park and collected evidence of bushfire damage still present in the natural environment, including fire damage on vegetation and signs of recovery in the form of new plant saplings.
The Kinglake Heritage Centre and Kinglake West CFA wish to thank the students for their excellent participation during the excursion and their commitment to learning about disasters that have affected the wider community in Victoria. Our students represented the school incredibly well and all had a good time participating in gathering new knowledge out in the community beyond our school.
-Ash Sevior
Geography Teacher - Year 11