Year 12 Sociology - Immigration Museum Excursion

On Wednesday the 15th of May, our Year 12 Sociology students travelled into the City to visit the Immigration Museum, as part of their ongoing studies of ethnicity and multiculturalism in Australia.

During this excursion, the students visited the Identity exhibit, where they learned about how the diverse communities within Australia are identified and stereotyped by their names, physical features, and countries of origin. They studied the stories of these migrants as they have worked hard to establish a new life in Australia and establish a sense of belonging in a new country that, as they examined, is moving away from ethnocentric migration policies and becoming a nation that promotes inclusion and multiculturalism. 


Additionally, they visited the Sandridge Bridge near the museum, where the different countries that have brought people to Australia are celebrated and remembered through artistic installations. Here, they recorded some of the information on display to the wider community and used this information to inform their research report on an ethnic group that makes up the modern Australian community and the challenges they face in being included in our society. 

The Immigration Museum wishes to thank the students for their respectful conduct in the exhibit, as well as for their enthusiastic participation with the stories of Australia's migrant community. Our students worked incredibly hard and did a fantastic job representing the school in a place that promotes inclusion, multiculturalism, and understanding of different People. 


-Ash Sevior

Y12 Sociology Teacher


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