Primary School

After a relatively quiet start to the week, the setup of the Field Day set the tone for an exciting finish! Large farming machinery welcomed our students on Wednesday morning as they donned their outback hats in support of our boarders and The Darcy Effect


The excitement continued into Walk to School Day and our first Eagles Cup home game on Thursday, and tomorrow our Year One students are off on an excursion while Year Four hosts our Term Two chapel service.  

Culture, Engagement and Excellence 


Boarding Field Day and The Darcy Effect 

It was lovely to be included in National Boarding Week and the Field Day was certainly a highlight for our youngest students who got to walk around, climb on and touch some very large machinery. Thanks to our Head of Boarding, Mr Ashley Keatch, for including us.


Primary School students wore their best outback hats and donated gold coins to Kate Mitchell at The Darcy Effect stall to go towards making hospital bags.  


Last week at assembly, Mr Paul Osborne donated a cheque on behalf of last year’s Year Six students to The Darcy Effect to support the purchase of the ‘submarine’ for Albany Hospital. The Year Six students fundraised as part of their Anchor Leadership programme and also created original art works to be made into colouring-in books for the hospital bags. 


We look forward to working with The Darcy Effect as we utilise their resources for teaching First Aid.  


Walk to School Day 

A beautiful, misty autumn morning greeted walkers and riders for Walk to School Day. We had many Primary School staff volunteer their time to support the walk as well as Mr Ashley Keatch from boarding who escorted our bike riders, and our super education assistant, Mrs Bronwyn Davey, ensuring they rode safely through the mud! 


Thank you to everyone who joined us to start the day for National Walk to School Safely Day, and to Chef Nick and his team for the muffin and milos on arrival. 


Our next Walk to School Day is planned as part of RUOK Day in Week Nine of Term Three. 

The Milo Run
The Milo Run


Briefing News 

ECC Briefing  

We are nearly halfway through the term already! The ECC is buzzing with last week’s crazy hair day, and this week’s Walk to School Day and boarding week activities.


The Year One students are very excited about their excursion on Friday to various parks around the town to help with their inquiry unit.  


This week’s award winners:  

Star Awards 

Kindergarten: Freya De Snoo 

Pre-Primary: Jemima Lester 

Year One: Rory De Groot 

Year Two: Rosie Mitrovski 


Value Awards: Respect and Commitment  

Kindergarten: Roy Donaldson 

Pre-Primary: John Stone 

Year One: Amaia Scott and Elliott Ruffell 

Year Two: Amaya Kiddle 


Years Three to Six Briefing 

Our value certificates were handed out this week for showing respect around school. Daniel spoke beautifully about the upcoming value of the week, which is compassion, with a focus on being helpful to others.  

Our Brag Award was taken out with fierce rivalry between Year Five and Year Four, with Year Four L being the ultimate winners.  


Award winners: 

Year Three: Mason Fourie 

Year Four K: Stephanie Siripun 

Year Four L: Jackson Kirkpatrick 

Year Five: Xavier Warne 

Year Six G: Piper Stewart 

Year Six N: William Roxburgh 


Upcoming Events 

Week Five 

Friday 17 May  

Year Four Chapel – 2.30pm in the hall, families welcome 

Year One Excursion – Various parks around Albany 


Saturday 18 May 

DIGS Camp-over – Saturday 4.00pm to Sun 10.30am, GSG school grounds near vineyard 


Week Six 

Wednesday 22 May – Primary School National Simultaneous Storytime,8.45am to 9.30am 

Thursday 23 MayP&F Sundowner Guest Speaker Claire Eaton, 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Hall 

Friday 24 May –Guest Speaker Claire Eaton for Year Five and Six students 


Week Seven 

Reconciliation Week 

Year Four Camp to Quaranup, Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May 


*Change of Assembly dates* 

Please note that due to the AFL tour, Year Three and Year Four L assemblies have been swapped. 


Year Four L – Friday 7 June (Week Eight) at 2.20pm, in the hall 

Year Three – Friday 21 June (Week Ten) at 2.20pm, in the hall 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary