From the Deputy Principal

Attendance reminder

A gentle reminder of the importance of your child attending school and making the most of every opportunity GSG offers.  This is not just something we feel is vitally important, it is enshrined in the School Education Act which requires that a student must attend school or an educational programme run by the School (for example a camp, Work Experience or similar) in which they are enrolled on the days on which the School is open for instruction. Under Section 23 of the School Education Act it is the obligation of the parent or guardian to ensure the child attends the School or educational programme.


If your child will be absent for six days or more, please ensure you notify the Principal in writing (by email), in advance of the absence.  The child's absence will be acknowledged by the Principal.  Please note that under the Act holidays do not constitute a reasonable cause not to attend school and will be recorded as an unapproved absence.


If you have any concerns about your child's attendance please contact us so that we can support you and work with you and your family to provide advice and practical strategies. Every day of every child's attendance matters to us.   In Primary School, please contact your child's teacher and in Secondary School you may like to contact your child's homeroom teacher or Head of House.

P&F Sundowner with guest speaker Claire Eaton

We would love to see you at this Sundowner event.  Feel very free to spread the word to the community and bring a friend who may not have been to GSG.  Claire promises to share great advice and practical wisdom in this engaging presentation.  Please RSVP to 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal