Visual Art News

We continue our interesting explorations in painting this week. 


Foundation students think that watercolour pencils are just straight up magic and have been excitedly “painting” water on their aqueous pencil drawings with beautiful results.


Grade one and two students also used the watercolour pencils and saw how these could be used with varying amounts of pressure to add more or less pigment to their work. 


Grade three to six students saw how texture could be added to a picture using varying water colour techniques and the right brush. We are definitely starting to really understand that watercolour painting is more about the water and less about the paint. You really only need the tiniest dot of paint to colour your water. 


We also learned about the difference between the various specialised watercolour papers and the huge difference they make to a finished piece. We are very lucky to have a quantity of excellent watercolour paper and it makes painting a great pleasure.


Ginny Tulloch 😊


Visual Art Specialist Teacher