Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly on the 31st of May. Assemblies are now every two weeks from this term, they will still be held at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB) 


FKH - Cleo R - for her incredible efforts at trying to write words independently.

FKH - Harvey B - for always working hard on his class activities.

FSI - Leo K - for his fabulous effort with his reading and writing.

FSI - Caleb S - for working readlly hard with his writing.

5/6AB - Bree M - for tidying up and helping the teachers.

5/6AB - Lauren B - for tidying up and helping the teachers.

5/6AB - Indi M - for helping Mr B & Miss P cleaning up the classrooms.

5/6AB - Maggie M - for helping Mr B & Miss cleaning up the classrooms.

5/6AB - Asha T-D -  for helping Mr B & Miss cleaning up the classrooms.

5/6AB - Annie T - for helping Mr B & Miss cleaning up the classrooms.


Got Ya Awards

Mietta P – Mitchell – for helping tidy up

Asher M – Hume – for collecting jumpers 

Stella B – Mitchell – for being brave 

Holly M – Curtin – for reshelving lots of novels