Parents & Friends' (PFA)

It's hard to believe we are almost halfway through the school year already!
We have one more event to squeeze into Term Two. If you haven’t volunteered for the Bunnings BBQ, you can still support the school by dropping past the Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Moorabbin tomorrow from 9-4. It’s located at the corner of Fairchild St & Warrigal Rd., so call past if you get a chance! The fundraising from this event will go towards purchasing more sets of blocks and storage. The blocks have been a huge success with the students across all grade levels and have really increased all the students creative play.
We have some very exciting events coming up in Term Three. The School Disco will be on Friday 9 August; make sure to block out that date in your diaries as it is sure to be a fantastic night! More details to follow next term about tickets and the specifics on the night.
The Fathers' Day Breakfast and Stall will be at the start of September and then the PFA will be organising a raffle at the School Production.
Thanks so much to all the families that have contributed to the weekly cake raffle; the kids love this weekly event and there has been some fantastic baking done so far this year. If you would like to put your hand up to go on the cake raffle roster, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
If you visit Baker's Delight in Carnegie, make sure to mention that you are part of the St. Anthony's Primary School community. They are always very generous to us with donations of baked goods for many of our school events. Without these donations our fundraising profits would be greatly reduced and we would like to support their small business as much as they have supported us!
Hope you all have an enjoyable last two weeks of term and we can’t wait to see what Term Three brings!
The PFA Team