Saints of the Week

Saint Boniface
Feast Day: 5th June
Virtue: Faith
Boniface was born in England in 680. He was educated in a Benedictine monastery and
later became a monk.
He went to Rome to obtain the Pope’s blessing on his mission to the German people. He destroyed the temples of idols and built churches. Once he cut down a huge oak that was dedicated to the god Jupiter and then used the tree to build a church dedicated to St Peter.
The Pope called him to Rome and ordained him a Bishop. He returned to Germany to spread the Catholic religion in Germany.
Boniface set out to convert a pagan tribe in Holland. While he was waiting to confirm some newly baptised Christians, a troop of pagans killed him and fifty-two Christians who were with him on June 5, 755.
Saint Boniface is the patron saint of Germany. His life bears out the Christian rule: to follow Christ is to follow the way of the Cross.
Saint Anthony of Padua
Feast Day: 13th June
Virtue: Justice
Anthony’s parents were very rich and wanted him to be a great nobleman. But he wanted
to be poor for the sake of Jesus, so he became a Franciscan.
Anthony was a great preacher. He was sent out as a missionary in many cities in Italy and France. He brought many sinners back to God through his preaching, prayer and good example.
One day when Anthony was praying, the Infant Jesus appeared to him, put his little arms around his neck and kissed him. This wonderful favour was given to him because he kept his soul from sin and because he loved Jesus very much.
Over and over again God called him to something new in his plan. Each time Anthony answered with zeal to serve his Lord Jesus with all his heart.
Anthony died in a monastery near Padua in 1231 at the age of thirty-six. Many miracles took place after his death. Even today he is called “wonder-worker”.