OOPS Fete 

Save the date - Saturday 16th November!!!


We are counting down to the Old Orchard Primary School biannual fete!


 This is always a highlight of the school calendar.  The children have so much fun and so do their families and friends.  It is a wonderful way to bring the school and wider communities together, whilst raising much needed funds to improve our school facilities.


For those new to Old Orchard, our school fete consists of games, rides, stalls and lots of delicious food.  Each class is allocated a stall to run on the day, and parents/carers are asked to volunteer one or two hours to help assist on their class stall.  


Fiona, Sheree and Pip take care of most of the organising of the fete, however we would LOVE some volunteers to assist us to make the 2024 Fete the best one yet!


Positions that need to be filled are:

  • Silent Auction Coordinator (this can be shared amongst a group of friends)         This role would involve emailing or visiting local businesses to request donations for our auction.  We have a database of businesses to make this simpler for you.
  • Major Raffle Coordinator                                                                                                               Sourcing three or four prizes for our raffle.
  • Marketing/Advertising Coordinator                                                                                       Help advertise the fete including sourcing locations for advertising boards and other advertising materials.                    
  • Sponsorship Coordinator                                                                                                            This role would involve contacting businesses to see if they would be interested in one of our three sponsorship packages.                                                                                 

If any of these roles appeal to you, we would love to hear from you.  They can be shared with a friend/s and the main objective is to have fun!  You will be guided and supported at all times by Fiona and Sheree (the Fete Convenors).


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we are only too happy to chat with you.


Fiona Kirby           fiona.kirby@education.vic.gov.au

Sheree Knight     sheree.knight@education.vic.gov.au


We will also be seeking donations at various times in the lead up to the fete.  The first items we are hoping to secure are:

 - A generator to help power our rides and equipment.  If you know anyone in an industry that could donate a generator on the day please let us know.

- Moccona coffee jars (no lids and labels removed) for a special fete project we have planned.


Thank you