From the Office

EventDatePermission Due
Pie Fundraiser Forms Due 31st May
Year 6 Walking Tour Excursion5th June29th May
King's Birthday Public Holiday10th June 
Year 2 Olden Days at School17th June 
Year 4 Camp14th August16th August
Year 3 Camp21st August23rd August

Pie Drive

We are running the very popular Ivan's Pie Fundraiser again this year.

Solve the "what to have for dinner" problem by filling up your freezer with some delicious pies and quiches - perfect for this cooler weather.

Pie Order forms are due tomorrow, Friday 31st May.  

Payment must be made at the same time, either at the office or online 

(BSB 063 485 Account number 1002 1781 Reference: Family name/Pies).  

Pie orders will be delivered to school on Friday 21st June.





With the wet weather upon us we often have children requiring a change of clothes.  We are in desperate need of small sized navy blue tracksuit pants (size 4 - 6).  If you have any that are not longer worn by your children we would be grateful to receive them.


We are also looking for donations of  Moccona coffee jars (no lid and preferably with labels removed) for a fun fete project.

2024 Term Dates

Term 2 
Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June
Term 3
Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September
Term 4
Monday 7th October to Thursday 19th December