Thoughts from the Principal

There have been a number of words on my mind recently trust, truth and connection. As humans these are innately important to us collectively as community and as individuals.
One of the things that I appreciate and even love about our school, is the community, which is built on relationships. The biggest of these I believe is that between parent – teacher.
As we work together for your child's learning and growth, we acknowledge and respect you as the first and primary carers of your children. And as all partnerships go, we call on you to acknowledge and respect that the teachers also know your child in a different context and in a different way. Together we bring the whole child into view as we support them and each other, nurturing a unique individual within our school community, and beyond.
The respect and trust that we demonstrate for one another is important to the growth of the children that we care for. This respect is demonstrated in the way that we communicate between school and home and in the way that we trust that in each place (home or school) the other is doing their best.
1 Thessalonians 5: 11 asks us to encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. We ask you, friends, to respect those who labour among you and your leaders, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.
How can you do this today for our staff, your partner and for the people in your community?
With the help of the Holy Spirit, rooted in the Word of God, we have the children as our focus. Encourage one another in our words and actions so that we can continue to be a community who works together, built on the relationships that we foster.
A big thank you to those of you who have already completed the strategic plan survey that was sent out earlier this week. Please check your emails for the link!
Blessings as you enter a time of rest over this long weekend.