TCPS Sport 2024
Please find below a list of sport dates for 2024. Your child/ren will have the opportunity to participate in some or all of the following. School Athletics begins at grade 3 but District Athletics begins at grade 4, as an example. I have spoken to your child/ren about some of the opportunities presented in Term 1 and will speak about each as the year unfolds. If you have any questions about School sport then please contact me by email.
Term 2:
4th June - Winter LP (grade 5 - 6)
-Soccer - AC
-Netball - AC
-Teeball - AC
26th June – TCPS Athletics (grade 3 – 6)
Term 3:
3rd August (TBC) – Golf Torquay (grade 5 - 6)
13th August – District Aths (grade 4- 6)
10th September – Division Aths (grade 4- 6)
Term 4:
Weeks 2- 4 Bike Ed (grade 3- 4)
12th October (TBC) – Golf – Barwon Valley (grade 5 - 6)
23rd October (TBC)– Golf at Clifton Springs (grade 5 - 6)
28th October until the 1st November - Swim program (grade 4- 6)
30th November (TBC)– Region Golf – Curlewis (grade 5 - 6)