
We are off to the ResourceSmart Schools Awards next Tuesday!
As you will know, Newham PS has been invited to attend the awards ceremony at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Tuesday 4 June along with the other finalists from primary and secondary schools around Victoria. The eight year 6 students will be attending with Tim Furphy and Libby Fullard. Even if we don't win, we are all very excited to be going!
The event will also be livestreamed so you can see our year 6 students at the awards. Here is the link to watch (note password also)
Password: RSSA2024
Learn more about this year’s finalists:
Thanks to Biodiversity Learning Hub Volunteers!
Last Monday, Erin Day and Chris Wiseman worked like Trojans with Libby Fullard (not such a Trojan), to plant our remaining tube stock, lay cardboard, spread organic mulch and re-install nest boxes that had been impacted by Powercor's works in the area. Digging the holes was certainly easier thanks to John Hamilton lending us his auger and drill. The area is looking great with just a little more mulching still to do. Below are before and after photos.
We still need cardboard or boxes
We are again collecting cardboard to sheet mulch the weeds in the Biodiversity Learning Hub. The cardboard will then be covered with organic much we have received from MRSC.
Cardboard can be delivered at any time.