School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school


IDAHOBIT day is for celebrating that we include everybody. I liked wearing rainbow. I wore a rainbow skirt and a super hero cape. A long time ago some people didn’t let girls marry other girls or boys marry other boys. 

-Annie (Foundation/1) 

Careers Expo

Thank you to all the wonderful family members who volunteered their time to talk to us about what they do out in our community. We had a great variety of guest speakers who shared lots of information and answered many questions. Thank you for coming to support our learning. 



We have been using Sign Bank to support our learning of Auslan. This has been integrated into our daily programs and routines and has been an added support to our literacy lessons. A useful website that we have been using is Sign Bank. In F/1 we have been using Sign Bank to find key words when sharing news or morning circle, as well as learning some songs. Sign Bank a really handy site to visit if you and your child are looking for any Auslan words.