Primary Sub School News

Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies

Week 7


Thanks so much to everyone who has submitted a sample report; I have been impressed by the level of detail and quality of your writing.  It is evident that you have wonderful relationships with your students and have a clear understanding of their needs.  Please refer to the report writing briefing that Dan sent or let me know if you need a copy.  As always, liaise with your buddy classroom or contact myself; I am always available to help!


PSS Assemblies

Please send your star of the week to Kay asap.


Next up…  Week 7: Room 1

                      Week 9: Room 7


Classroom Team Meetings

I have very much enjoyed participating in Primary CTM's; it has been a wonderful opportunity to get to know your students and any concerns you have.  Please do let me know if I am able to support you in any way.



We are now in the final week of SSG's - please ensure that all minutes are uploaded to SharePoint in students’ files.  Please let me know if you would like me to attend or if there are any immediate actions that you would like me to support with.


PLC & Professional Learning

There will be no PLC or PL in Weeks 5-7 due to SSG’s.



Have a fabulous week everyone!