Facilities & Capital Works 

Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke 

Yaluk Building:

Students are settling in well. Rooms 26 and 27 are exploring the inside and outside areas adjacent to their rooms.  This has been especially good for student who need quiet areas. The art room is up and running as well as the hospitality kitchen and the gym and the staff Assessment and Meeting Room. 

I heard it on good authority that the students are keen to start up  the coffee club this week.


The foyer has ben set up as a teaching space with tables and chairs. The table and chairs can also be used for hospitality purposes - e.g. coffee club.  Staff who want a quiet working space when there are no classes may use the space too. To maintain this as a teaching, hospitality & working space the doors on the right of the building  will be the main thoroughfare to the gym and classroom area. 


Gym entry - use doors on right side of building
Gym entry - use doors on right side of building

The Hume Council Environmental Health Inspector has inspected the premises recently. Apart from being impressed with the set-up she remined us that this is now a commercial kitchen. This implies a higher standard of hygiene needs to apply.  

The first standard is that only authorised personnel  (teacher and ES who are delivering the program) should enter the kitchen and servery. Authorised personnel are also expected to have completed the free on-line training courses Do Food Safely and Food Allergy Training.


Transition plan 

Congratulations to:

  • Rooms 26 and 27, Art, PE and hospitality who have all moved into the Yaluk building:
  • Rooms 16, 17 and 18 who have or are in the process of finalising their move to the other building.
  • Speech Therapy team for providing Social Stories
  • Old Art room set up for access by Primary and Middle School Staff/ students from 20th May 2024.

Phase 3 : 

Transition of room 25 to new room when booths are completed. We have been advised that materials for Room 25 will be delivered next Wednesday 29th May and work will start the next day. Unfortunately I have been advised that they will not be completed until 12th June. Hopefully the timeline will change to earlier.

  • Establishment of Living Skills space in Western side of current room 25
  • Transition of Middle School Collaboration Room to Current Room 25 (Eastern side)
  • Setting up of science room adjacent to Therapy Office.




Classroom relocations

Thank you to all staff for their assistance making the classroom transition a smooth process. Please thank your students for their help in moving process and setting up their new classrooms.


Storage and cleanup

Over the next few weeks maintenance will be moving items around the school to the allocated storage rooms.

There will be gold keys on these rooms and all storage requests will need to be approved by myself or Corinne. Please place any requests for items to be stored on the Maintenance Log for approval.


Big Bin

The big bin will be moved to the concrete pad staff carpark outside the storage room. DO NOT place items around the bin. If items do not fit in the bin take them back to your classroom and advise me and I will organise for it to be emptied. The bin is emptied every Wednesday morning before school commences.


Workplace inspections & reporting items

If you have a maintenance issue in your office or room these should be reported in the Maintenance log immediately. DO NOT wait until the end of term to report these issues as many need to be rectified as quickly as possible to avoid incidents.


Gates around the school

The gates identified in the report will be repaired or reinforced Friday 7 June and the chains and padlocks removed. Please discuss with your sub school leader if a gate is identified as needing extra security.


Air conditioners can staff please make sure AC units are turned off at the end of the day. TURN OFF the AC units in the OT room & climbing room as you leave at the end of each session.


ICT & Facilities job requests and notifications: 

Log any jobs for Maintenance on SharePoint. This will enable Jacob and I to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. 

Log any jobs for ICT Support on SharePoint. This will enable Loc and Luat to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. 

Please make sure you log the correct jobs on the correct logs.