
Injuries and Concussion Protocols Reminder
As we engage in our winter sports activities, it's important to emphasise the adherence to injury protocols and return-to-play procedures. All injuries sustained by a boy during training or on game days must be promptly reported to their coach. The coach will then complete an injury/incident report, with relevant staff following up accordingly.
In the event that a boy is unable to participate due to injury, we kindly request that he attends his team’s Saturday fixture in a supportive capacity to fulfill his co-curricular commitment. Furthermore, your son will not be permitted to train or participate in any College sport activities until you provide us with medical clearance from a doctor or a physiotherapist indicating approval for his return to specified activities.
The safety and well-being of your child remain our utmost priority, and we sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Below I ask all to familiarise themselves with the Australian Institute of Sport Graded Return to Sport Framework, adopted by the ISA and College in regard to managing student concussions:
Please also see link below for the Concussion Referral and Clearance Form required to be completed the day of the concussion/suspected concussion, also includes a request for information regarding Initial Consultations and Clearance Approval from a medical practitioner:
Concussion Referral and Clearance Form (
Anthony Calavassy
Director of Co-curricular