Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

P&F Grant – Mathematics Resources
Stage 3 are extremely grateful for the P&F grant that we received earlier this term. We have used these generous funds to purchase Mathematics resources for every class as well as mini whiteboards for every student. These resources complement the roll out of the new Mathematics syllabus in Stage 3 and will ensure that students have concrete materials to support their learning. Some of the resources purchased include MAB blocks, dice, counters, scales, protractors, unifix cubes, trundle wheels, metre rulers, view through 3D objects and 2D attribute shapes.
Thank you very much to the P&F for supporting the teaching and learning in Stage 3.
Reports and Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
Your son’s Semester 1 report will be made available via the TASS Parent Portal by the end of this week. This report captures important pastoral and academic information about your son’s progress thus far, and teachers are looking forward to discussing the reports with families during the interviews on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 June.
A reminder that parents/carers can book a time to meet with their son’s teacher via the TASS Parent Portal. The 10-minute interviews will take place in your son’s classroom, except for 6 Red and 6 Blue on Thursday 27 June where interviews will be held in the Westcourt Library. Students are to attend in their full Winter uniform. You can also book an interview with your son’s Mathematics teacher, if he or she is not already your son’s classroom teacher, by emailing them directly.
As per previous articles, parents/carers are invited to register and pay for their son to participate in the Mathematics, English, Science and Writing ICAS assessments by completing the following:
1. Go to the Parent Portal: https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps.
2. Enter our school’s access code – FKS095.
3. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Registration and payment close on 29 July 2024.
After payment is made via the Parent Payment System you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records. ICAS assessments will be run before school (approximately 7:45 AM) over a number of days in Term 3.
Daniel Fields Sarah Tatola
Head of Curriculum (Stage 3) Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)