Co-curricular - Junior Sport Stage 3

Photo by: Brendan O'Connell

Junior Sport Update

Well, it was another wet weekend for Junior School sport. With a large amount of rain falling on Friday night, many of our ovals resembled lakes, rather than grass fields, unfortunately leading to the cancellation of nearly all fixtures. I say nearly, as there was one team that ploughed on through the mud (literally) and played their fixture. Indeed, this is not the first time that this has occurred. It seems that when all games have fallen victim to the weather, this team’s competition stays on. I refer to the Junior School (Stage 3) AFL side. No matter the conditions, this team keeps its head held high and pushes through. They have survived drenching rain, mud covered ovals, strong opposition, and mid-season coach changes. Through all this, I have never seen a frown, never heard a complaint or an excuse. This team just keeps on keeping on and has displayed great improvement over the course of the season so far. Well done boys! Keep up the great work.


While speaking of Winter sport, this weekend Saturday 22 June, will be the last round of Winter sport for Term 2. As such, there will be no winter training in the last week of Term 2 (24-28 June). This will be a very busy week with the Athletics Carnival and Parent/Teacher Interviews. Training and games will recommence on our return in Term 3.


We have a very talented group of students in the Junior School (Stage 3). The talents that exist are wide and many, everyone bringing their own unique skills and abilities. One such student is Christian Boutros of 6 White. Recently, Christian was selected to represent Sporting Lisbon in an international competition. This is the third time Christian has been selected and travelled to Portugal for football. This year, his team participated in a tournament which saw his team playing the likes of Benfica, Porto, and Braga to name a few. The team performed strongly throughout the event, finishing Third overall. Christian himself played well, scoring a couple of goals, and assisting in a number of others. Chrisitan enjoyed his time away, getting a taste of what it is like to play in a professional football unit. Congratulations on your selection Christian and no doubt it was an experience to remember.

The Junior School (Stage 3) Athletics Carnival will be held next Wednesday 26 June on Breen Oval. Boys will come to school dressed in their House PE Uniform and black cap, with the College tracksuit to be worn if it is cold. This will be a normal school day with the usual dismissal times and all boys are expected to be in attendance. Parents/carers are warmly welcome to come along and support the boys on the day. As the Senior School will be on campus, parents/carers must remain on the Fraser Street side of Breen Oval, using the bench seating provided on that side. There is to be no interactions between parents/carers and students on the day while the carnival is being run. We look forward to a sunny day, filled with exciting races and events.


John Locke

Head of Co-Curricular Stage 3

Junior Sport Fixtures