Round 4: Friday 31st May 2024


Greenhills Gold VS Yarrambat A – AWAY





9.30am-10.45am approx.

Aussie Rules Football

Plenty War Memorial Park


Yarrambat PS


Yarrambat PS

Softball Boys

Yarrambat War Memorial Park 

Softball Girls

Yarrambat War Memorial Park


Greenhills Green VS Sacred Heart – HOME





9.30am-10.45am approx.

Aussie Rules Football

Greensborough Park


Greenhills PS


Partington’s Flat


If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.




Thank you, 


Jordan Daley











International Competitions and Assessments for Schools




Student Free Dates 2024

Term 2

10th June Kings Birthday


Term 3

26th July Curriculum Day

11th September Student Agency Conferences (Variation to School Hours Day – students just attend for conference).


Term 4

4th November Curriculum Day (Assessment & Reporting)

5th November Melbourne Cup Day

19th December Professional Practice Day

Camps Sport Excursion Fund (CSEF)

School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All are a part of a healthy curriculum.  CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per primary school student is $150.


If you received CSEF in 2023 you do not need to apply again, however if you are new to Greenhills and have a valid concession card or have an additional child (eg Prep) that commenced, please complete the attached form (available from the office too) and hand into the office with a copy of your concession card. Any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the office.  Here is the link to complete the form :



Dear Greenhills Families,


After many years without any price increases to our canteen menu, School Council have recently reviewed our pricing and have identified the following items to be increased from the start of Term 3, 2024.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes but the canteen has been making a growing loss for some time and to turn this around we are implementing these price changes.  We do not look to make a profit on canteen, but merely make it a cost neutral program of the school.


Menu Item

Old Price


New  Price


Meat Pie



Corn on the cob



Strawberry and Chocolate milk






Zooper Doopers



Juice cups






Yogurt and topping



Potato stix



Wednesday Wonders



Over the next couple of months School Council in conjunction with Miriam will be looking further at the canteen operations and menu.


Wednesday Wonders are available to order on QKR - Orders need to be placed by the previous Wednesday


Spaghetti bolognaise - 5th June

Mac & Cheese - 12th June 


Sushi Day - 13th June 2024 (Order on QKR by the 6th of June)

Please note there will be no other orders on available on this day



If you have a spare hour on a Wed, Thurs or Fri between 1pm and 2pm, come along and help in the canteen. There is no food preparation involved, it's very simple and the kids love seeing parents there!


You need to have completed the Volunteer Induction, and sign up through CareBookings - - access code is JGU9L.

Helpers get a canteen voucher for their kids to use for their next lunch order! 














Term 2 week 7 - Presented at assembly 7th of June, 2024.

Oscar SPrep ADFor putting in your best effort in our phonics lessons. The amount of growth you have made with your sounds this year is incredible! You're a superstar, Oscar!
Bonnie DPrep SMFor always demonstrating our school value of Effort. You try your best in everything you do and I love the way you are taking on a challenge. Well done Bonnie!
Elijah LPrep SOElijah it has been amazing to see you transition back to focus and being ready to learn each day. You really have demonstrated GRIT and now are showing us the leader within. Congratulations Superstar!
Eugene A1BHFor being a Maths Superstar. Eugene, I love how you use a variety of strategies to work out your answers and then explain the strategies you used. Keep it up!!
Amiya1JRFor the progress you've made through our maths session. You show such Effort and Adventure every time we jump into something new. Keep up the fantastic work. 
Ben T1KOFor always sharing your ideas and thinking during all areas of learning. I love when you teach us something new and I especially love how you ask questions to clarify your understanding. Keep up your curiosity Ben!
Jude P2IHFor the way you have been focusing during our reading fluency sessions. I love the way that you have been coming in quietly after lunch and getting straight into your reading without distraction. Keep it up!
Daisy B2LOFor your amazing effort during our Numeracy sessions, particularly using the split strategy to solve addition problems. Daisy, you are doing a GREAT job with your Maths, keep it up superstar!
Knox H3JCYou are a maths superstar! Thank you for always trying your best at solving a maths problem and for taking on challenges. Continue the wonderful work.
Celeste J3MHFor being GREAT! Well done for showing our Greenhills GREAT values. We especially loved your enthusiasm and positive attitude at the Disco, and at the Art and Chalk activities during our Gazillion Celebration. It was wonderful to see your creative flare and your thoughtfulness for friends. You are amazing Celeste!
Amelia S3RMFor the progress she has made with Student Agency. Amelia is a reflective learner who thinks about how she learns best and what she is most interested in learning.
Jayden S4DSJayden, your engagement with learning fractions and decimals is impressive! Your enthusiasm and effort really show in your work.
Bayden F 4SMFor being such a kind and generous member of 4SM. Bayden, not a day goes by where you don't ask me or others how we are. We are so lucky to have you check in with us all so often! 
Declan H4TWWell done Declan for using your knowledge of science to make a fantastic prediction about what will happen in our desalination experiment. You were spot on with your prediction, well done!
Jess P5BCJess, thank you for always sharing your thoughts and thinking. I love how your contributions to our class discussions have been inclusive and respectful.
William J5JHWill, you're a superstar. You have really stepped outside your comfort zone lately and you should really proud of yourself for this. You are setting a fantastic example of Adventure and Grit! 
Everliegh K5LBWell done Everleigh on being a model student. You are always focused on the task at hand and strive for excellence.
Ashton N6BSI have loved seeing the evolution of your Reader's Notebook and how you take on feedback to improve every entry. Keep pushing yourself legend, I am so impressed!
Kaelyn V6TSI am so impressed by the way you show enthusiasm by being ready to learn and always doing your best. You are a great role model to the students in 6TS. Keep being awesome!
James D (2LR)MusicJames I am always impressed with your enthusiastic approach to Music. You always try your best, contributing positively in class.