Learning and Teaching

At Catholic College Sale we are committed to building and strengthening our partnerships with families and ensuring that all students are fully supported as they make their way through their secondary school years. We are very fortunate and blessed to commence the year fully staffed. Staffing and timetabling are major challenges for all schools, and we are very grateful to be in such a positive position. Thank you and welcome to the new staff who have accepted positions. We are confident that all our new staff members will bring great positivity, enthusiasm and commitment to their roles. Most certainly they have been provided with fantastic support by the Leadership Team and their learning area colleagues in the early days of their work here, and they have all expressed a sincere appreciation of the privilege of being selected to work in such a marvellous school community.
News staff members
Rhiannon Aurisch Teacher - Maths Lianna Bennett Learning Support Officer Julie Cannon Learning Adjustment Leader Alex Carr Teacher - Technology Carlier Grant Deputy Principal Personal Assistant Molly Hargraves Teacher - English and Humanities Matthew Hose TSC Coordinator Sarah Jones Learning Support Officer Milan Salvatore Teacher - English and Humanities Amanda Traeger Learning Support Officer Thomas Ware TSC Technician Kayla Wilson Head of Library Zali Gallagher Trainee Cameron Missen Trainee Tom Scott Trainee Elliot Stables Trainee Archer Watt Trainee Michelle Wakeham Teacher - Maths/Science/Religious Education Lianora Bay Teacher - Science |
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students is held each year. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents/carers, teachers and principals and can be used to improve student achievement. All students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN Online tests.
Unit 3/4 Trial Exams - Save the Date
Year 12 and Year 11s completing a Unit 3/4 Subject – Trial Exams will be held on the September school Holidays', commencing Monday 29th September until Thursday 2nd October (inclusive).
Catholic College Sale Vision for Learning
At Catholic College, we’re excited to share the progress of our Vision for Learning, a collaborative effort shaped by the valuable feedback from students, parents, and staff through the Diagnostic Inventory of School Alignment (DISA) survey. Over the past year, a dedicated team of teachers has been working closely with the University of Queensland to develop a shared vision that reflects the aspirations of our entire school community. Through ongoing consultation and reflection, we’ve carefully crafted a Vision for Learning that aligns with our school’s values and focuses on creating an inclusive, dynamic, and student-centered learning environment. This process has been a great opportunity to listen and learn from each other, ensuring that every voice is heard. We're excited to share our Vision for Learning with you, and we'll be publishing it at the end of this year. This vision will serve as a guiding framework for all teaching and learning initiatives moving forward.
Celebrating the Success of the Class of 2024
At our first assembly of the year, we welcomed back our high-achieving VCE students from the Class of 2024 to celebrate their exceptional academic success. During this ceremony, we proudly recognized their dedication and outstanding results.
Our Class of 2024 Dux, Emmet Hobbs, graciously shared his Year 12 journey, offering valuable insights and inspiration to our Catholic College community.
We are incredibly proud of all that the Class of 2024 has achieved throughout their time at Catholic College. Their hard work, perseverance, and commitment have set a remarkable standard for future students. We wish them every success as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.
I'd like to thank everyone for a wonderful start to the year.
Rachael Bown
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching