
During Lent, we are called as Christians to think of how we help others in our community.

One way that we are doing this at Holy Family is through Project Compassion. 

Today for Harmony Day all of the gold coin donations received will go towards supporting this wonderful charity. Each class prayer table also has a project compassion money box, where students can contribute by bringing in any of their spare change during Lent.

Project Compassion

Project Compassion encourages Australians to raise much-needed funds to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world. Catholic schools, parishes, and the wider Australian public participate in a diverse range of fundraising and awareness raising activities and events to support Caritas Australia’s programs both overseas and here in Australia. Project Compassion is an extraordinary demonstration of the faith, empathy and the generosity of their  supporters, which enables them to do the wonderful work that they do.

Social Justice

"When we went to the kinder, we played with the little kids and did a scavenger hunt. We gave them the piece of paper to take and my buddy Mohammad buried his in the sandpit."



"We walked to the local kindergarten and it was nice seeing all of the little kids participating in the activities."



"It was nice bonding with the kindergarteners. I was with Abel. We did a craft activity, sticking coloured paper onto leaves."



"We went to Goodstart Kinder. Holy Family school did lots of activities with the young children."



"Everyone made new friends at the kinder. We got to bond with some kids."



"I helped Nate do a scavenger hunt and when we finished we played in the sandpit together and went on the wooden fort."



"The trip to the kinder was great. It was so much fun. we had a lot of time to get to talk with the kids."



"We had a really nice walk to the kindergarten, it was really nice seeing the little kids."



"It was fun finding new friend. I made friends with Hamsha and we did a scavenger hunt looking for leaves and then we made a leaf collage."
