Year 5/6 Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts
Upcoming Important Dates
From The Team
Another busy fortnight has flown by and we are now well into the second half of Term 1. Thank you to all parents who came to Parent-Teacher interviews last week. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know yourselves and to learn more about your child so that we can best support their learning here at school. Our doors are always open, so please contact your child’s teacher to make time if there is anything that you wish to discuss.
Sue Hartley and Nic Rheumer have held Parent Helper information sessions. It was exciting to hear that there were many parents and/or grandparents who were keen to help in the classroom. If you are one of these people, please let us know and we will be incredibly grateful for your support.
This week has been the start of NAPLAN for our Year 5s. We are so proud of the way they have listened to instructions and put in their best effort. Monday is Numeracy, and it is the final NAPLAN test for this year.
Have a great fortnight.
- Caz, Sarah, Jamie and Rachel
What We Are Learning
Homework: Due every Friday – please ensure it is completed and given to your classroom teacher on time.
Art Smocks: We are still waiting on a few students to bring their own art smocks to protect their clothing during art lessons. Please let us know if you have any questions about this.
Winter Sports Day: Make sure students are prepared with the correct uniform and any necessary gear and to check this with their teacher.
Try This...
Leadership Conference
On 4th March, the Scoresby Primary School leaders were invited to attend a leadership conference in the city alongside other school leaders. Our school travelled by train to reach the city. Once we arrived, we walked through the massive venue to get to the conference area. After finding our seats, we began our first activity. It was a Q&A where we had to choose our own answers to form a word and match words with leaders from another school. There were many interesting discussions led by friendly speakers on stage, covering topics such as what it means to be a leader, the responsibilities involved, and how to be an effective leader. Throughout the day, students from different schools had the opportunity to go up on stage. Many of these moments were filled with excitement, as we participated in activities that involved following leaders and having fun. Overall, we had an amazing time and are so grateful for this experience and use the inspiration we found to benefit our school.
By Emily and Tommy
Buddies Presentation
On the 6th of March, we had our Buddies session and it was arguably the most fun activity we’ve done so far! We made crowns with big yellow stars on the front. We all signed our names on the headbands and decorated the stars. Julie then laminated the stars for us so they would stand upright when attached to the headbands. On Friday the 7th of March, at assembly, the Year 6s found a partner and stood across from each other with their arms angled so that their fingertips were almost touching. The Prep buddies and Mrs Maguire then ran through the tunnel we had created to reach the front of the stage, where we began the assembly. Once the last Prep had passed through our tunnel, we Year 6s sat down in our spot. After the Preps sat on the stage, we started our assembly by singing the National Anthem and reciting the school oath. Then the microphone was passed around to each Prep, who shared something special about themselves that they were proud of. Once all the Preps had finished, they received very cool and special awards! It was great getting to support our Prep buddies!
By Jake and Otto
Scoresby Superstars
On the 3rd of March, everyone separated into their house groups for Scoresby Superstars. We learnt how to work together and played some board games. It was a great bonding experience, especially for the Preps as it was their first Scoresby Superstars. Everyone played games like Battleships, Twister and Uno, making it a fun time to get to know each other. Flinders went to the Prep Room with Mrs Maguire, Mr Purdon and Tracey. Cook went to the 3/4 collaborative space with Miss Whittington and Mrs Foenander. Chisholm went to the 5/6 collaborative space with Miss Harper and Mrs Sheaf. Macarthur went to the shade sails with Mrs Fox and Mrs Holdsworth. Overall, it was an exciting and enjoyable time to hang out with friends and get to know everyone better.
By Mia and Eason
Kaboom Sports
On Friday the 14th February, the whole school had Kaboom Sports come in and play a variety of fun games with us. It was a fantastic event in the afternoon, giving everyone a chance to relax and enjoy a range of different games. There was putting, soccer, circus activities, spider ball, bib catching, and various throwing games. Everyone had a great time, including all the teachers! Right from the start, the teachers joined in the fun, dancing and enjoying the afternoon on the oval and the Kaboom Sports guides were fantastic and energetic.
By Madison and Alisha