Year 3/4 Level Newsletter
Teacher Email Address Contacts
Upcoming Important Dates
From The Team
It’s hard to believe that we are already more than halfway through the term! We have been so busy that time has been flying. In the last two weeks, we have taken part in our first Scoresby Superstars session, and also have spent lots of time preparing and starting NAPLAN tests. As we approach the end of term, we have our Twilight Sports and our swimming program to look forward to.
Last week we had our first Scoresby Superstars session. This year the groups have been organised according to our Houses, so we got to spend time bonding with teammates ahead of Twilight Sports. We played a variety of different games, both indoors and out, depending on the group we were in. It was lots of fun and we have included some photos for you to look at.
We want to say a big congratulations to all the Year 3 students who have completed the NAPLAN Writing, Reading and Language Conventions tests. It has been wonderful to see them conduct themselves in a calm way and listen to instructions carefully. They should all be very proud of themselves. We just have the Numeracy test to complete and then we are all done.
We hope you are finding a place to stay cool in the extra hot autumn days we have been having.
- Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth, Karen Coster and Samantha Edwards
What We Are Learning
Homework is due back on Friday 21st March.
Reading logs are due every Friday.
Our swimming program starts on Monday 24th March. We recommend that students wear their bathers under their uniform in the morning and bring thongs/slides, a towel and underwear in a small bag that they can take to the pool.
Try This...
Write a number in each blank to make the following statement true: In this sentence, the number of occurrences of 1 is____, of 2 is___, of 3 is___, of 4 is___, of 5 is___.
Scoresby Superstars
Class Level Sport