Year 1/2                                          Level Newsletter

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From The Team

Hello Year 1/2 families, 


What an exciting two weeks we’ve had in Year 1/2!


We had so much fun celebrating Code Dress-Up Day, where students dressed as something to do with their favourite code. A highlight was our Family Open Afternoon, where students proudly shared their work and activities from the day with loved ones. See photos of this in our Code Dress-Up Day - Family Afternoon section.


In Maths, we’ve been busy investigating length! The excitement began when we discovered giant dinosaur footprints in the front garden! Students measured the footprints using icy pole sticks and compared their lengths to different types of dinosaurs. Later, a special box arrived in our classrooms with secret instructions, leading us to investigate the length of escaped animals. We measured their lengths using Unifix cubes and matchsticks, then compared them to the sizes of different animals.


A huge congratulations to those who have reached 25 nights of reading — well done! These students received a certificate and a well-earned reward for their dedication. Keep up the fantastic reading at home!


Swimming Program

With our swimming program just around the corner, now is a great time to help your child prepare by encouraging them to dress and undress independently. Other helpful steps include:

✔ Practising putting on and taking off shoes and socks

✔ Drying themselves with a towel after a bath or shower

✔ Packing and unpacking their own swimming bag


Thank you for your ongoing support — we’ve had a fantastic fortnight of learning and can’t wait for more adventures ahead!


- Kate, Jarren and Jordyn


What We Are Learning



  • Communication folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day. We really appreciate your support with this.

  • High Frequency Words: Help your child to practise their high frequency words each night. They are stored in their blue display folder in their communication folder.

  • Yellow Reading Log: Record your child’s nightly reading.

  • Library Bags: Students will need to bring a library bag to school and may borrow one book per week. Wednesday is our level’s library borrowing day.

  • Art Smocks: Please bring an art smock to school if you haven’t already.


Try This...

3 Ingredient Banana Oat Pancakes

Follow this recipe to make some delicious pancakes. 

You will need: 

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup of flour (or ⅔ cup of oats)

*You may wish to add cinnamon or blueberries for extra taste



Code Dress-Up Day - Family Afternoon

We all had such a fun day, dressing up and celebrating all the spelling codes we have been learning about! The afternoon session was a particular highlight, where families were invited into our classrooms to see all the fun things we had been up to! The students enjoyed proudly showing off their writing about their own code dress up, and playing ‘fishing for sh words’. Thank you to those who were able to join us!



Maths In Year 1/2

In Maths, we’ve been exploring length in exciting and hands-on ways! The adventure began when we discovered giant dinosaur footprints in the front garden. Students used icy pole sticks to measure the footprints and compared their lengths to different types of dinosaurs.


Later, a mysterious box arrived in our classrooms with secret instructions, challenging us to investigate the lengths of escaped animals! Using Unifix cubes and matchsticks, students carefully measured the animal prints and compared them to the sizes of real animals. These investigations helped us develop our measuring skills while making fascinating discoveries!