VM News

Senior Projects

  • 2023 Motor Show


Another successful Motor show event was held on Monday the 11th of September at lunchtime, students enjoyed a sausage sizzle while viewing the cars and motorbikes. For all the motor enthusiasts,  Fun was had by all. 

  • Talent Show

What an outstanding WRS project the Talent show was, Where students were able to showcase their Talents to the wider cohort of McClelland College staff and students. This event exceeded expectations and will sure to be an ongoing WRS project into the future.  

  • Gaming Tournament

Held two times throughout the Term the gaming tournament was the creations of some senior students. This was a huge success with $1 coin needed for entry with all proceeds going to Cancer council. 


  • Primary School visits

Frankston East Primary school joint venture had our students running everything from sporting tournaments to assisting in class and a range of other lunchtime activities.  

Gratitude Walk

Year 11 VM students walked over 20 kilometers in their efforts to raise money for youth homelessness charity, Fusion. From the front doors of the College to Mordialloc Pier.

These students have worked tirelessly for weeks to secure pledges for their walk. If all of these pledges are honoured, our students will raise over $2000 for their work!


The conditions were quite kind to us but there will be some sore feet and tight hamstrings tonight! Well done to all that walked and supported this venture. What an effort!

Biodiversity Audit Unit

In term two, year 12 VM put our environmental interests on display. We had a careers expo for the younger year levels hoping to help give them some idea for their future career paths. For PDS projects, we went on excursions to get a better understanding of what we are learning in class. Another we participated in term 3 was the Biodiversity unit that began with a Melbourne Zoo excursion where we learned about biodiversity and sustainability. When back at school we undertook a biodiversity audit on the college and found out that the college is surrounded by nature which helps offset our carbon footprint. We created a website  - scan the QR code to see our end product!