Principal's Message

Educating our community about litter
From our Junior School Councillors
Link to JSC vid:
Posters due to the office by 4:00pm Tuesday 29th August. $10 Woolies vouchers awarded by JSC for AWESOME posters that can be displayed around our school!
Communication from DET
Book Parade
A big thank you to all of our families who got involved with our Book Parade today celebrating Book Week. We had a plethora of well dressed children show up today ready to show everyone their amazing costumes. Thank you parents/families for the time and effort you have put into these. It was quite the occasion.
A special congratulations to these folks who were awarded a ‘Best Dressed’ award and a $20 book cash voucher to buy some new books of their choosing. Go Launchers!
Production – The time is nearing!
In a week and half or so we will be in the midst of our production shows. Our students have been working so hard with practice sessions happening during recess, lunch times and Art sessions for many students. All this work and practice will culminate at our three shows into what I’m sure will be brilliant performances by our talented students. Did you know that our last school production of this scale occurred in 2018? Most of our students have not experienced a production as a Launch student and hence it makes sense that some students may be feeling a bit nervous or unsure about how this will all come together. Our staff are here to help. The number one rule of production – it is fun and we are all in this together!
If your child or family need some support with costumes, transport, tickets for the shows – let us know! As always we are here to help.
Kinder Prep Transition Program
We had the third session of our transition program on Tuesday with a record number of students and families attending! It was wonderful to welcome everyone and to have the opportunity to talk about our future student’s early numeracy skills. From counting charts, to counting collections of hippos and making patterns, we had a blast. Looking forward to our next session this coming Wednesday where our newest students will take part in a play based learning session and adults will have a coffee and chat in the staffroom.
A Vision for our School Grounds
School Council met on Monday evening this week and conversations continued around the development of our school grounds and the prioritisation of projects. School Council is really keen to get some ideas from our school community – students, parents and teachers about how we can improve our place. Over the coming week a display will be set up in the office area where individuals can contribute their ideas in different ways. School Council will then collate this information and present it back to our school community to assist with prioritising tasks/projects.
Our families have made excellent improvements this year as we have a much smaller number of students currently sitting in the 'poor' attendance category. We know that strong attendance = strong learning. Help your child to achieve their personal best by making sure they are at school every day they are well.
Is that our Ashleigh?
I introduced Ashleigh to you all, our new classroom teacher as she was appointed prior to the start of Term Three, however I made an error in communicating an incorrect surname. Ashleigh Bence will be teaching 3/4C on Mondays and 1/2C on Wednesdays, as well as helping out in some other grades here and there through out the week. Welcome Ashleigh!
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy