Year 10 Program

In term 3 of the Year 10 Program, students engaged in a diverse range of activities aimed at enhancing their personal development, career readiness, and mental and physical well-being. The term was marked by a series of valuable experiences, including:
Mental Health First Aid – Over the course of three weeks, students participated in a comprehensive Mental Health First Aid program. They learned essential skills and strategies to recognise and support individuals experiencing mental health challenges. This program aimed to equip students with the knowledge and empathy necessary to provide assistance to those in need.
Resume Writing and Job Interview Skills – Students had the opportunity to create a resume or refine their already existing resume with the support of the careers team. They also enjoyed a job interview skills workshop where their teachers bravely got up on stage and presented a skit providing real-life scenarios for students to practice their interviewing techniques. This hands-on approach helped students gain confidence in their ability to present themselves effectively in a professional setting.
Yoga Incursion – To promote physical and mental well-being, and exciting yoga incursion was organised. Students experienced the benefits of yoga, including stress reduction, improved flexibility, and enhanced mindfulness. This session provided a relaxing break from academic pressures whilst encouraging healthy habits.
First Aid Course – In a full-day incursion, students delved into the world of first aid, acquiring essential life-saving skills. From CPR to basic wound care, students were taught how to respond effectively in emergency situations. This knowledge not only contributes to their personal development but also prepares them to be responsible and proactive members of their community.
Overall, term 3 in the Year 10 Program was a well-rounded program that provided a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, equipping students with valuable tools for their future endeavours and promoting their overall well-being.
By Rebecca Kertes
Year 10 Program Coordinator