Course advising & Subject Selection

Almost 1200 students have completed their subject selections for 2024. The lead up to subject selection includes assemblies with students at each year level, a senior subject expo, and an information evening via Webex. Year 7 and 8 students have submitted their subject preferences online, and students going into Year 10, 11, and 12 attended a course advising session with an experienced teacher, helping them to work through their choices and to map pathway options. This is an important stage in our young people’s lives and is a key touchpoint for student to consider their futures beyond school. With the introduction of Vocational Major this has also provided additional opportunities and pathways for students other than the ‘traditional’ university pathway.
Subject selection is an opportunity for Students to experiment, explore and have a say in their own learning. Students and families can expect to have their subject selections confirmed by mid-Term 4. This now leads to an important planning stage for the school which includes:
- Which subjects will or won’t run next year.
- The number of classes for each subject.
- Where teachers are needed and what they will teach.
- How the timetable is put together.
We thank our families for joining us in this important partnership and helping our students to make informed choices about their futures.