ICT News

A note from Miss O'Hara


Ben Venue students are learning how to code during ICT lessons this term.


Stage 1

How can we record instructions for others to follow and understand? We are learning how to program (code). We know we are successful when we can:

  • IDENTIFY and FOLLOW a series of steps to complete a task
  • DESCRIBE the steps of an algorithm for a simple task
  • REPRESENT an algorithm using images


Stage 2

We are learning about visual programming. We know we are successful when we can:

  • define an algorithm as a series of steps
  • look at a program and identify some blocks and what they might do
  • describe an algorithm and what each part means
  • read a program of visual blocks and describe what it might do
  • explain how to create an algorithm for a simple task
  • explain what a computer program of visual blocks does
  • explain how to improve an algorithm 
  • discuss ways to improve a computer program 

Stage 3

How can we design and develop a working prototype robot that helps with a specific job? We are learning to think scientifically to suggest, prototype and evaluate the effectiveness of a design solution.


We know we are successful when we can:

  • IDENTIFY challenges experienced in a real-life setting (fires)
  • IDENTIFY how technology assists us in specific ways (fighting fires)
  • IDENTIFY hazards related to an event that requires a solution
  • COMPARE and CONTRAST events in different contexts
  • initiate PLANNING to design and develop a product with a specific purpose