Deputy Principal's Message

Thank you to all students, staff and parents who participated in our green and gold mufti day to support the Matildas. It made for a fun day for all!
Check-in Assessments for Year 6 students
Students in Year 6 will participate in a reading, writing and numeracy Check-in Assessment in Weeks 8 to 10 of this term. The Check-in Assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy test that supports schools to monitor the impact of teaching and the quality of student learning. It supplements existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy, and helps teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. In particular, this term's assessments allow teachers to analyse student growth from the Check-in Assessments completed in Term 1.
Lunches and Crunch and Sip
With the cooler weather comes increased appetites for many of our students. Recently, we have had many students come to the office asking for extra sandwiches or fruit. Often this is because they have already eaten all of the food in their lunchbox and are still hungry. Our fantastic P&C provides sandwiches for students who are in need; however, of late we have found it difficult to keep up with demand. If you are able, please pack, or encourage your child to pack, some extra food to keep them going over the winter months. Thank you kindly for your support.
Lana Howlett
Deputy Principal