COVID-19 & other health updates

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
A case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease has been reported in Stage 2. Please be aware of the symptoms, preventative strategies and exclusion period for this illness.
Students and staff should continue to stay home when sick
Students, staff and visitors should only attend school when symptom free. We strongly encourage all students, staff and visitors to follow the guidance issued by NSW Health. Schools must continue to send home students or staff displaying symptoms.
For anyone who believes they have been exposed to COVID-19, it is strongly recommended that they monitor for symptoms and test if they have any concerns, as well as wear a mask.
Please be aware that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, fatigue, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If a student receives a positive RAT or PCR test, they should record the positive result through the Service NSW website or Service NSW app and notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR test result as soon as possible. Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
Reporting of cases at Ben Venue PS
Ben Venue PS will continue to inform the community when there is a positive case in the school. This information will now be reported in the fortnightly newsletter. School Stream notifications will be sent in addition, if a significant increase in case numbers is reported.
In the period Monday 7 to Friday 18 August, 0 staff cases and 2 student cases have been reported.
Kindergarten - 0
Stage 1 - 1
Stage 2 - 1
Stage 3 - 0