

Next week we will be holding a Morris Assembly in The Farrall Centre. The assembly will commence at 2.15pm on Monday afternoon. We welcome families to attend.

Wellbeing Day - Vacation Care

Monday 4 September

As the School will not be operating on this day for children Kindergarten to Year 6, a Vacation Care Day is being provided. On this day we will celebrate all things tall. Come along for a day filled with building, constructing and investigating in honour of World Skyscraper Day. Who can build the most magnificent or whacky skyscraper using cards, magnets, lego, matchsticks and plasticine, cardboard or just use whatever you can find? Work in teams or create your own. Categories will include the most creative, tallest, strongest or craziest structures. We wonder what your imagination will bring to the day! 

To book please email Friends' Early Learning  or click here to complete your vacation care booking through Story Park.

Year 5-12 Wind, Brass and Percussion Concert

Monday 28 August | 6pm

Join us for an evening of musical delight, at The Farrall Centre, as students from Morris, High School, and Clemes come together to present an exciting lineup of wind, brass, and percussion performances.


Ensemble Lineup:

  • Year 5 Band
  • Year 5 Percussion Feature
  • Morris Band
  • Intermediate Band
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Jazz Band

Grandparents and Older Friends’ Day

Tuesday 24 October

Grandparents and Older Friends’ Day will be held on Tuesday 24 October. Invitations to this ticketed event will be sent to families electronically with a link to the TryBooking website once we finalise our planning. If you have any queries please contact the Morris Office or call 6210 2228.

Year 3 Outdoor Education Excursion - Rivulet Day

Friday 25 August

On Friday 25 August the Year 3 students will be going on an Outdoor Education excursion to explore the history and changing landscape surrounding the Hobart Rivulet. Parts of the journey will be on foot, other parts will be on a bus. Year 3 class teachers will accompany their classes with the assistance of Lauren Stranger (Morris Outdoor Education Teacher). We will depart school at 9.30am and return to school by approximately 3.00pm. Students should wear sports uniforms on this day, but will need to bring a warm jumper (wool, polar fleece or puffer jacket), beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat as it could be very cold. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and drink from home. All of this equipment will need to be packed into a day backpack or their school backpack. Any personal medications should be labelled and given to the classroom teacher before departure. Could parents please update Operoo if necessary.

Prep - Exploring the Bush

Thursday 31 August

On Thursday 31 August both Prep classes will undertake a bush experience at the Labyrinth in Lenah Valley with their teachers, Lauren Stranger (Outdoor Education Teacher) and support staff. We will depart school at 9.30am and return to school at 12.30pm.  Each class will undertake a short walk and look at what animals, insects and plants inhabit this area and have some exploratory play time, make shapes, patterns and build small shelters with nature's resources in the area.


This experience will make connections with our 'How we organise ourselves’ and ‘How we express ourselves’ units of inquiry. We’ll be encouraging children to think about how we need to organise ourselves for outdoor experiences, the processes that have to happen for us to be safe in the bush, and the steps we need to take to ensure we maintain safety and enjoyment. 


Students will come to school in their sports uniform and comfortable shoes. Please work with your child and help them think about some extra gear they will need for the day, such as an additional warm jumper/fleece, a rain jacket, beanie, water, and ample food. 

Please update your childs Operoo profile if there have been any changes.

Year 4 Outdoor Education Excursion - Climate and Coast 

30 August and 1 September

On Wednesday 30 August 4K and Friday 1 September 4OA will be attending an Outdoor Education day with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Lauren Stranger. The day's focus will be on climate and the impact it has on the coast and its species. We will begin at Seven Mile Beach where the class will explore the coastline and discuss what we find and then walk over the headland to Roches Beach/Lauderdale and compare the different coastal environments.  


Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform, including a warm jacket, beanie, and waterproof raincoat and comfortable shoes to walk in. They should bring a big lunch, lots of snacks and a full water bottle for the day.  Any personal medications should be labelled and given to the classroom teacher before departure. We will be returning to school at the end of the school day. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.

Year 5 Outdoor Education - Kunanyi/ Mt Wellington Bushwalk

5, 8, 15 September

In the coming weeks Year 5 students will be going on an Outdoor Education bushwalk on Kunanyi/Mt Wellington. The focus for the day is building resilience, working together as a team, exploring the varied ecosystems and learning about the Aboriginal history of the location. The walk will start at Shoebridge Bend and finish at The Springs via Sawmill and Organ Pipes Track. This is approximately 4km with some steep ascending. There is also a 2km route for those who may find the 4km option too challenging. 


Students will be required to wear warm sensible free dress clothing - long pants (no jeans), long t-shirt/ thermal, jumper, warm socks and appropriate bushwalking shoes. Students will also need to pack their day bag with a rain jacket, spare warm jacket/fleece, beanie, spare socks, plenty of food for lunch and snacks, a big drink bottle of water, and any personal medication. 


Each class will be attending on separate days:

Tuesday 5 September - 5HM

Friday 8 September - 5C

Friday 15 September - 5M

Kindergarten Earthcare Days Term 3 - Lenah Valley 

Monday 28 August

The Kindergarten children will be visiting a site near the Lenah Valley Linear Park for their Earthcare Days in Term 3. We will be going in the afternoon on Mondays from Weeks 2 - 6 and will be leaving school on a bus at 11.45am and will return by 2.45pm. We are aiming to develop responsibility and resilience in a natural environment. Please ensure that your child has a rubbish free lunch at Kindergarten, especially on Mondays to help practise Earthcare and awareness about the impacts of soft plastic on our natural environment. 


Your child will need appropriate warm clothing for the forecasted weather and spare clothing packed for the excursions as we will be playing outdoors even when it is raining. The school has wet weather jackets and overpants that the children will wear if necessary, depending on the weather. You can also support them by encouraging them to carry their own bags to and from school since they will be doing this on our Earthcare days. Please contact the Kindergarten team if you have any questions.

Morris Reading Event - Tasmanian Premier’s Reading Challenge

It is now Week 9 of the 10 week Premier's Reading Challenge and this week’s theme is “What have you learnt with the help of a book?”. If you have some photos that you are happy to share, please email them to us. Thank you for supporting your child’s reading journey and encouraging them to participate in events such as these. We are happy for you to get in touch with us at any time. Sharon Ryan and Catherine Duffett Morris Teacher-Librarians.

Hobart Sings! - Morris Majors and Morris Maestros

Sunday 10 September

Australian National Choral Association Workshop and Concert has been scheduled for Sunday 10 September at The Farrall Centre. Concert tickets are now on sale here.



12.45pm Choristers arrival

1.00-2.30pm Combined Choirs workshop

3.30-5.00pm Public concert 


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Morris Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

2023 Term Dates 

Term 3 Tuesday 25 July - Friday 29 September

Monday 4 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)


Term 4 Monday 16 October - Wednesday 13 December

Morris – Friends’ Primary Years Office

6210 2228  |

8am – 4pm Monday – Friday