Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity
Spring Has Sprung
We thank our Creator God for the changing of the seasons and are comforted by the presence of longer, lighter days, a slight warming of weather and the abundance of Spring. The month of September through to the 4th of October, is especially known as the Season of Creation. A chance to celebrate all of God’s creation with awe and wonderment of the sheer beauty in our world. Pope Francis’ encyclical the Laudato Si’ invites us to care for our common home. Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi it calls us to renew our awareness and care for God’s creation, our common home that we share with all living creatures and future generations.
God of all creation,
You show us beauty in all things,
The Earth is full of Your wonders,
That sing of Your goodness,
Sun, moon, stars and sky,
Rain, snow, wind and water.
Animals, birds, trees & flowers,
Are all shaped by your loving hand,
Open in us, an attentiveness, that recognises all creation,
Form us to be people who delight in life as your gift,
Fill our hearts with gratitude,
For every good gift, great & small,
That feeds & forms us,
Inviting & enabling us,
To become people who are fully alive,
In Your amazing grace.
Holly Morris
Catholic Identity Leader