
2024 Subject Selection
It’s been a busy start to the term in the Careers & Pathways space at Scoresby Secondary College, with subject selection in full swing! Our Year 10 students were provided with dedicated subject selection interviews in preparation to their VCE journey, while students in Year 11 also had the opportunity to meet one on one with the Careers and Pathway Coordinator and the Head of Senior School to cement their pathway as they move forward into Year 12.
VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Administration Centre)
VTAC is now open and Year 12 students wishing to apply for tertiary education are working through their account set up, the application process and the SEAS section on their application. All year 12 students are encouraged to meet with the Career and Pathways Leader – Ms Tanya Molloy to assist them in this process. Year 12 students need to ensure that they have submitted an application and paid their $55 fee by Thursday 28 September to ensure that they are considered for courses they select. Preferences can be changed up until Wednesday 13 December.
Morrisby Interviews
Year 9 students have had a busy 2 days unpacking their Morrisby Profiling reports. We had 3 Morrisby Career Counsellors here for the 2 days with back-to-back appointments. There has been some wonderful career conversations and some very positive feedback from students, parents and the Morrisby Career Counsellors in regard to the respectful interviews held with our students. Please keep your login details and passwords in a safe place as you have unlimited time access to this program and can login in at any time, re-do some quizzes and review your career options.
Inclusion Students
Asperger's Victoria are offering a ‘Teen Work KnowHow’ program with a pathway for teens to understand themselves in the world of work, including the development of positive job readiness skills that are practical, empowering and specific to each individual learning styles.
Students also receive supported work experience placements in the July and September school holidays. Students who participate in this program leave with more career understanding, improved self-confidence and useful tools to help map their own working future. Click on the link for further information and resources.
Mrs Tanya Molloy
Careers & Pathways Leader