Miss McNamara
Miss McNamara
We had so much fun celebrating Book Week last Monday. Throughout the week we have listened to lots of the books that were nominated for awards this year. Along with our Parade, students rotated around groups listening to different stories and doing different activities that linked to the books. In the classroom we continued to read the different stories, finished off craft activities from Monday and made our own bookmark.
This week we celebrated Learning Support Officers Week by thanking each of the LSO’s in our school. Our class focused on all the things that we are grateful for that Lorraine has done and does for us.
We also celebrated Literacy and Numeracy Week. On Monday the students were in mixed year level groups where they did different literacy and numeracy activities. Throughout this week we have engaged in our regular literacy activities each day which have included oral language through looking at picture cards, reading where we continue to practise letter sounds, decoding words and answering comprehension questions. In maths we continue to practise our counting forwards and backwards between 0-20 with both regular and irregular starting points, we are also practising measuring items with balance scales and discussing if something is heavy or light.