Grade 5 & 6

Ms Lupa, Miss Eade & Mrs Trewick

We have continued our exploration of graphing and data collection in maths. We were able to present the data collected in our maths walk in a bar or column graph. We then interpreted our findings and created statements and questions about it. We have also learnt how to create pie graphs electronically and in our work books. Students in Miss Eades class enjoyed counting the amount of smarties in a box, categorising colours and then putting this information into a pie graph.


We have been working hard on procedures in writing. We have learnt the many features of a procedure such as title, goal, materials/equipment, steps which are ordered and start with a verb and conclusion. Students were able to write a procedure on how to make vegemite toast as a group. They then created their own procedures on how to make something and do something. The topic for our current procedures is how to catch a wave which links perfectly to school camp.


In religion we have been looking at the creation story from different perspectives. We have seen it told through the bible, through dreamtime stories and we have created our own versions. We have also looked at ourselves and what part we play. We have discussed what is unique and special about every single one of us.


Students have been super busy practising their dances and songs for the Festival of the Sacred celebration which is on the 5th of September. The performance looks amazing!


In inquiry we have been continuing our assignment on the Solar System. Students are researching each of the planets in the solar system. So far we have some amazing books, posters and slide shows in the making. We can’t wait to see the finished products!