Primary Specialists

Beginning in Week Eight of Term Three, our Media, Music and Spanish specialists are rotating between classes.
Classes that previously had Media will now have Spanish with Mr. Pasten. Classes with Music have changed to Media, and classes that had Spanish with Mr. Pasten will now have Music.
Hello, I am Mr. Howarth and welcome to Media! This specialist subject is in its second year at Saltwater College and is now offered to all Primary classes from Prep to Year Six.
In Media, we learn how we can communicate messages and ideas through different media mediums, including photography, sound, filming, advertising, visual narratives, etc. Students also analyse and interpret media texts with cross-curricular connections made with Literacy, Numeracy, Language and the Arts.
Our unit topics include migration, Indigenous history, our emotions, advertising, and Who We Are.
I am looking forward to getting to know all students throughout the year.
As we head towards the end of term 3, all of our inter-school sports and summer sports have been happening. Last week we went to Saltwater reserve where we competed against other schools in the area in Softball, Tennis, Cricket and rounders. It was exciting to see a great representation from Saltwater competing.
The P.E team would like to congratulate our new Athletics captains Layla, James, Ahmed, Jane and Lorenzo. They will be leading our team at the inter school athletics carnival against other schools in our region. During our classes, students have been developing their skipping skills. It is amazing to see everyone taking risks and participating in this great activity. We will be choosing students to demonstrate what they have learnt in a routine at one of our upcoming assembly's.
Visual Art
As we approach the final stages of Term Three, our young artists have been diligently working on their final pieces, showcasing their creativity and imagination.
Prep, Grade One, and Grade Six students have embarked on an artistic journey into the vibrant world of pop art. With bold colours and dynamic shapes, they are creating stunning pieces that capture the essence of this unique style.
Grade Two and Three students have immersed themselves in the realm of comic art. Through thoughtfully designed characters and captivating narratives, they are learning to express their ideas in a visually engaging way.
Meanwhile, Grade Four and Five students have been delving into the urban landscape as they explore street art. Their artworks are shaping up to be powerful statements that reflect the essence of this expressive form.
In addition to their artistic endeavours, our students have been busy celebrating both literature and family. Activities to mark Book Week have ignited their love for reading, fostering a deeper connection to the world of stories and ideas.
Furthermore, preparations are underway to honour fathers and special persons in our students' lives.
Welcome to Our Exciting Spanish Class!
With great excitement and joy, we extend a warm welcome to each one of you to our Spanish class. We are thrilled to embark on an exciting learning journey together over the next 13 weeks. Our class promises not only education but also a whole lot of fun!
During this time, we will delve into the wonderful world of Spanish, learning and practicing skills that will enable you to communicate effectively in this beautiful language. We're not just focusing on grammar and rules; we're also immersing ourselves in the culture and diversity of Spanish-speaking countries.
What Will We Learn?
In the coming weeks, we'll start from the basics, ensuring everyone is comfortable with common greetings and introductions. There's no better way to kickstart a conversation than with a friendly "¡Hola, qué tal!" or "¡Buenos días!" in Spanish!
As we progress, we'll discover the exciting realm of basic vocabulary. From the vibrant colours that adorn our lives to the numbers we use to tell stories and express quantities, you'll be ready to talk about a variety of everyday topics.
Essential Communication Skills
Our main goal is to ensure that each one of you can communicate confidently. You'll learn to ask and answer questions using essential vocabulary, enabling you to engage in simple conversations with your peers and teachers. Don't worry, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Having Fun While Learning!
Throughout this course, you'll find that learning Spanish doesn't have to be dull. You'll participate in interactive activities, games, and hands-on exercises that will make each lesson exciting and memorable. Our aim is for you to not only learn but also enjoy every moment in the classroom!
We're looking forward to sharing this exciting learning journey with all of you. We hope you'll immerse yourselves in the language and culture, make new friends, and discover new perspectives along the way. Feel free to ask questions, actively participate, and dive into all the opportunities this class presents.
Welcome aboard! The next 13 weeks are bound to be incredible!
Señor Javi y Señor Pastén.
Hi Saltwater College! As the Primary Years Music teacher at Saltwater P-9 I’d like to
welcome to the third and final cohort of students from Years Prep to Six who are beginning music this week! We begin creating Essential Agreements this week to encourage successful learning. They help us think about how we learn and choices we make as we work together.
In Prep to Year Two classes, we begin focusing on playing and singing together as whole groups to set us up to try new things in a happy supportive environment. In Years Three – Six we set our expectations for our time in Music as independent learners as well as identifying that we are a community of creative artists and performers. The year is flying by and before you know it well be singing Christmas carols! I’m looking forward to meeting this final cohort and rounding out our year.
Our VSSS dancers performed to their first live audience this week at our Primary school assembly. Nerves were high from our dancers, as was the anticipation from the students watching, but our amazing dancers stepped up to the front and delivered a great performance for all, and represented Saltwater dance well! The feedback from staff has been amazing, and this is a great platform to launch the students first show in front of an audience before hitting the bog stage next weekend!Our students will perform again next week for our Secondary school students and staff, before heading off into two days of intense technical rehearsals starting on Thursday!Everyone has worked so hard and we can’t wait to see them represent our school and community at John Cain Arena next Saturday!
Dance Extension students have been working very hard to finish off our upcoming combined performance for the school assembly. They have been focussed, supportive and encouraging of each other, as they all work together towards the common goal to perform soon! The dedication and hard work they have shown has been impressive, and I can’t wait to see how far they can go from here! The routine is a positive uplifting dance with a powerful message of accomplishment, and achieving anything you desire if you focus and believe! I am proud of how well everyone is doing and can’t wait to create more with everyone.