Science Week

Science Week Starts with a BANG!
Last week our college students participated in Science week activities.
The week commenced with Ms Martyn and Ms June, from the secondary Science Department, coming to assembly to heighten awareness of Science Week. With the assistance of Mr Ma, they all carried out an interesting experiment. This consisted of Mr Ma holding a balloon filled with Hydrogen gas, made in the lab (using an alkaline + a metal = hydrogen gas). They placed a naked flame underneath the balloon which caused a reaction, making the balloon explode with a BIG bang and a flame!
Primary Classes
The primary students carried out a variety of different science experiments in their cohorts, which resulted in hands on learning and fun for all. Please see more photos on the science week Schoolbox page.
The Prep students engaged in hands on activities during their Science afternoon.
They learned that Science involves mixing, shaking and observing, just to name a few! They participated in experiments which linked to their unit of inquiry around living things and adaptations. Science is a necessity and Prep students were immersed in this during Science Week.
The Year Two and Three students came for a visit to the secondary Science Department for a lunchtime of demonstrations carried out by Ms Martyn and Ms June. They observed how to make elephant toothpaste, a carbon snake and of course, they did the BIG bang experiment again! It was so nice to host these students in our Science area and see their inquisitive minds in action.
The secondary students took part in Education Perfect competitions, the challenge being to get as many points as possible. The winners of these competitions are:
Year 7
1st Gayashi Dissanayake
2nd Jenadee Gamanayake
3rd Hiba Skeikh
Year 8
1st Hanna Kruse
2nd Aisha Mercer
3rd Chucky Mercer
As we concluded a fun and engaging week of Science exploration, we wish to thank our staff for organising hands on, engaging activities for our students. Our planned Science activities helped our children to better understand the environment they live in; develop analytical thinking and problem solving skills.
And well done to all of our students! We hope that everyone enjoyed the activities that the teachers put together for you, as much as they did doing them. We can't wait to see what next year brings!!