Year One

In Reading, students have been revising their knowledge about fiction and non-fiction texts. In preparation for our new Unit of Inquiry, we are arming them with the understanding of what a fact and what an opinion is. This will help them when researching information about animals and their habitats. We have also been continuing to work with students to learn more digraphs and grammar rules to improve their ability to decode unfamiliar words.
Please ensure students are reading their 'take home readers' each night and are bringing them in to change each week.
During Writing this week, students have been working on their class Text Innovation. This is a school-wide activity done each year during Book Week. A text innovation is when we take inspiration from a text and make it our own! We can draw inspiration from the characters, setting, or storyline and using our own ideas and imagination, we personalise (innovate) the text! Students have enjoyed becoming authors, making sure to follow the writing process; planning their ideas, drafting their part in the story, conferencing, and editing their work before publishing and illustrating their innovation.
Don't forget students are to be completing their spelling homework every week.
In Maths, we have moved on to division and multiplication. The students have been busy sharing materials and understanding that groups need to have an equal amount to be fair. This week has been about making the connection between sharing (division) and making groups (multiplication). Using manipulatives and illustrations, the students have practised using their knowledge of RUCSAC to read a worded problem and figure out how to solve it. We have been immersing them in the language of sharing and grouping, making sure they can identify groups that are equal, smaller, or larger and revising our skills of skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to help us work out our answers. We have also used mentor texts to encourage the students to see how mathematical concepts can be depicted in stories as well as in real life.
After our highly successful Provocation Day last week, where students learnt about some of the different habitats animals live in, this week during Inquiry, our focus has been on exploring different habitats so that we can understand the needs of animals. We are also considering different animal features so that we can sort them into their correct habitats. The students enjoyed using Kahoots and Quizzes to demonstrate how they were knowledgeable and were thinkers when they formed their wonderings.
Book Week
This Friday, we dressed up to celebrate Book Week! Each year level paraded for their peers and the excitement was obvious. We would like to thank all parents and caregivers for their support. There were so many wonderful dress-ups, relating to so many different stories. It means so much to your children to be involved.
Look out next week for our annual Book Fair! Set in the school library. Students will have the opportunity to look at a variety of stories from Scholastic Australia and if you choose, they will be able to purchase some.
- School begins at 8:30 am, with continuous entry from 8:20 am. Please be on time as learning begins promptly at 8:30 am.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass.
- Absences – If your child is away, please remember to upload your reasons on Xuno. Please reach out to the office if you need support doing this.
- Please remember to bring in a fully charged iPad to school each day.
- Remember to bring a waste-free lunch box on Wednesdays for the school waste-free Wednesday!