Year Three

In Year Three last week, we were kindly visited by a maths coach named Renae from the Mathematical Association of Victoria. Both the students and teachers were able to learn alongside one another. The focus of this session was the implementation of quality teaching  pedagogy of Place Value and Problem-Solving strategies. The level of engagement and excitement displayed for learning maths was truly amazing! 


Firstly, the students worked collaboratively to create and read numbers in millions by looking at where each digit was positioned according to its place value part. They were asked to place large numbers of playing cards on a clothesline (string), using pegs to hold the cards. This engaging task assimilated a life size number line,  all students reading each number using their newfound place value knowledge and understandings. 


Proceeding this warm up activity, the students explored the game of 'Crosses', trying to create an equal total between two sets of 5 number playing cards that crossed over one another. Using the strategy of 'Guess and Check', students explored as many different possibilities as they could. All groups found success even after statements like "This is impossible!" .


The Mathematicians of Year Three demonstrated a real sense of resilience and were very open-minded, great communicators, reflective learners, inquirers, risk takers, and thinkers throughout these fun and interactive group learning tasks. 


Bring on 2024, promoting positive attitudes towards maths and making connections with maths and real life!


Lisa Do, Sharon McWhinney, Kellie Oxlade and James Reid

The Year Three Teaching Team