ENPS Video Production

Filming Day - Wednesday 6th March

Keep the smiles coming because on Wednesday 6th March (the very day after school photos) we will be shooting footage for an ENPS promotional video! 


As part of our school website upgrade project, Throwstone Media will be attending our school across the day to film and photograph our students, staff and grounds. Footage will be used to create a promotional video for our website and additional images will be used to update webpage banners and the like. 


Our school video will also include spoken parts from a small number of students! ENPS teachers have nominated lots of students for these roles, and our Executive Team are currently undertaking the difficult shortlisting process. With ENPS students constantly exceeding expectations, you will appreciate that shortlisting is by NO means an easy task! Parents and carers will be notified during the week ahead if their child has been selected for a speaking role.


We thank all families who have now completed their child/ren's media permission forms for 2024. While all classrooms may not be captured on camera for our promotional video, students' external media consent will certainly allow Throwstone Media greater flexibility on filming day. 


We can't wait to share our updated website in due course and showcase ENPS to our community and beyond!


*please note, in the event of bad weather, filming day may be postponed to a later date.

2024 Annual Consent Form Completion


If you are unsure how to complete our 2024 Annual Consent Forms in Compass, please find instructions attached below, or visit our school office.


As a reminder, if you have not completed our 2024 annual internal media, external media or local walk consent forms for your child/ren on Compass, their image cannot be shown:

  • within the school community (internal, including learning apps), or
  • outside the school community (external, including website and this school newsletter), or
  • local walking excursions will not be permitted.

Please refer to our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy and Camps and Excursions (including local excursions) Policy for specific details.