School Council News

Dear Families,

This week, the school Council met and held its final meeting in what has been an event filled year. 

The Council has been very privileged to be part of the WPS 150th year, and to have the opportunity to see first-hand the hard work, passion and professionalism that goes into the day to day running of the school. 

Some highlights of the last couple of council meetings has been:

  • An update from the School Captains, Cooper and Zoe, as to the achievements of the students this year. The Council was extremely impressed by their presentation, and the willingness in working with Mat and the team to continuously improve the school. Well done Cooper and Zoe.
  • Seaside Fair has been run and what a success. The event this year saw amazing crowds, a huge gathering of parent volunteers and as Mat communicated earlier circa $90,000 raised for improvements to the school. This was an enormous task, and the Council would like to extend its thanks to all the teams involved to make the day happen.
  • The School Review, which is undertaken every four years, has been completed and the hard work of all the staff was recognised by the auditing team. The initial feedback was overwhelming positive and once the final report has been received Mat will share the broader feedback.
  • The Buildings and Grounds Masterplan was developed and shared with the Council, the details of the plan and priorities of all the works that are required to maintain the high standard of the amenities of the school. Many thanks to the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee for the hard work in developing this. 
  • The 150th year celebrations were in a word- amazing. Congratulations to everyone involved in all the activities that took place, that included a history book being developed, a documentary being made, student memorabilia packs, a Gala event and 150th merchandise being made available for purchase. It was certainly a well celebrated and truly amazing milestone.
  • The financial position of the school remains healthy, and the continued hard work of the Finance Sub-committee provides the Council the confidence that we are managing the school finances with appropriate governance and within all planned budgets. 
  • School numbers for 2024 remain high and within planned estimates, with three classes of Preps next year, it is very encouraging to see the interest in parents wanting to be part of this school’s community.

On behalf of the Council, we would like to thank Mat and the faculty that volunteer their time on the Council, it is impressive to see the commitment of the staff to making WPS the school that it is today. They provide the Council with the opportunity for robust discussion and debate, educate us all in the operations of the school and genuinely want to work collaboratively together to improve.  We would also like to call out the Council President Nick Winton, who has led the Council this year and done a stellar job. 


Finally, we would like to wish all families a safe and happy season and look forward to seeing you all in 2024.


Craig Reid