Diary Dates 

A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/



12th - Yr 1-6 Cyber Safety Project Day

        - Year 3 Family Cyber Safety and Chromebook evening 5:30pm

13th -  Footscray Hockey Club Clinics

14th- Ash Wednesday Mass @ 11:45am

         - Year Prep Rest Day

15th -  Footscray Hockey Club Clinics

16th - Big Brekky (Welcome Breakfast) 8:00am

          - Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

20th - PFA Meeting 6:30pm

21st- Year Prep Rest Day

23rd-    Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

26th - Year 6 Leaders Presented to the School Community @ Assembly

28th - Year Prep Learning Conferences 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


1st - Cross Country Carnival @ Hansen Reserve 9:00am- 12:00pm

  - Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

4th - Special Lunches Day: Sushi Day

6th - Big Day Out (Combined Schools Mass and Activities) @ St Augustine's PS

8th  - Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

11th - Labour Day

13th - School Advisory Council Meeting 7:00pm @ Corpus Christi School

13th - 15th Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN

15th  - Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

18th - School Athletics Carnival @ Aberfeldie Park 9:15am - 1:15pm (Back-up day 25th) 

19-22nd Open Week

22nd  - Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each

25th - Easter Egg Donation and Wrapping Day

27th - Year 1-6 Learning Conferences 2:00pm - 8:00pm

28th -  Holy Week: Passion Story 11:30am

          - Easter Raffle: 12:30pm

End of Term 1: Students finish at 1:15pm



15th - School Closure Day: Staff  Professional Development Day - Students do NOT attend School

16th - Students Commence Term 2

24th - School Photo Day

25th - ANZAC DAY

26th - School Closure Day (TIL)


2nd - Year 6 Parent/Child Confirmation Formation Night 6:30pm -7:30pm

6th - Special Lunch Day: Hot Dog Day

7th - Year 5/6 Confirmation Reflection Day

9th - Year 3/4 Eucharist Reflection Day

10th -  Mother's Day Breakfast 8:00am

         - Mother's Day Stall 9:00am-11:00am