From the Principal's Desk

Big Brekky
Hope to see you all at tomorrow's Big Brekky (Welcome Breakfast) commencing at 8:00 am.
All families are welcome to join us for breakfast in the central courtyard and feast upon various pastries, fruit, sausages, juice, tea and coffee (a Coffee Van will be on-site).
It will be a time to catch up, meet new people and just enjoy the new year.
Student Leadership
Last Friday I met with our senior students to discuss opportunities for student leadership in 2024.
Our Student Survey Data from 2022 clearly showed the need to provide more opportunities for students, across the school, to have a say about things that affect them, to make decisions about their learning, and ways to enhance their well-being. We call this Student Voice.
Essentially our Student Leadership structure will be as follows:
- Student Leadership Team (elected by the School Executive Leadership Team)
- 2 x Year 6 Student Leaders
- 2 x Year 6 Social Justice Leaders
- 2 x Year 6 Sports Leaders
- Student Representative Council ( SRC - elected by the student body)
- Student Leadership Team
- 2 x Year 5 Students
- 2 x Year 4 Students
- 2 x Year 3 Students
- 2 x Year 2 Students
- 2 x Year 1 Students
- 2 x Year Prep Students (elected second semester)
Ideally, each position will be gender balanced .
Please note that our SRC will carry over from 2023 with new candidates being elected from Year 1.
This week students in Year 6 wishing to apply for the positions of leadership have been studiously compiling their written applications and rehearsing presentations.
Next Monday they will have the opportunity to present themselves along with what they have to offer through our interview process.
Relevant staff and I will review the applications of all candidates and once a consensus has been reached and positions decided upon, candidates will be notified next week.
Successful candidates will be presented to the school community at the school assembly on Monday 26th February.
We look forward to reviewing the applications
and to this Friday's presentations. Good luck to all!
Baby Preparation
In two weeks we will say goodbye to Mrs Debbie Roumbos as she prepares for the birth of her first child. It will be an exciting time for Debbie and her husband and we wish them well in the lead-up. We can't wait to welcome little Miss Roumbos into the world. Debbie's last day will be Friday 1st March.
New Admin Officer
Congratulations to Mrs Laura Cosentino who will transition into the Administration Officer role once Debbie commences her maternity leave.
Laura will be training with Debbie over the next two weeks and will move between her two roles during that time.
We will be appointing new personnel to the Learning Support Officer role in the next week or two.
Calling for BookClub Volunteers
Have you ever considered becoming a BookClub volunteer? We have a dedicated group of BookClub volunteers, but are keen to increase our numbers to give greater flexibility to cover times when our volunteers are unable to help, due to work commitments or illness.
What is involved with volunteering?
The Corpus Christi Book Club is co-ordinated by Danielle Taske and runs once each term. We need volunteers (with a current Working with Children Check) to assist for 1-1.5 hours each term to prepare the orders.
BookClub orders are prepared on either a Wednesday or Friday from 9:00 am to 10:00/10:30 am. There is no requirement to help every term, if you only have time to assist once a year that would be great and we would love to hear from you!
If you would like to volunteer or have any questions about volunteering, please contact Danielle on 0402 131 782.
School Closure Days
Please note our upcoming School Closure Days:
- Monday 15th April (the first day of Term 2) - Staff Professional Learning Day: First Aid Training
- Friday 26th April (the day after ANZAC DAY): Staff TIL (Time in Lieu) Acquittal
Students do NOT attend school on these days.
Can we please ask all families to ensure their child/ren brings a pair of headphones or earphones to school that can be left in their tub to use with their Chromebook or iPad when required? This allows children to listen to audio without disturbing the rest of the class.
Please note that it is a requirement that parents notify the school (preferably in writing) of all instances when their child may be absent for all or part of a day. This can be done by emailing (or writing to) your child's teacher or contacting the school office.
When notifying, please notify us of absences prior to 9:00 am and remember to include the reason.
Even simpler, absences can be reported via our school app.
School App
A reminder to everyone to download our school app!
As well as Absentee Notifications, Communications, Calendar, and general updates, are all available via the app so it's definitely a 'must-have'.
Simply visit Google Play or the App Store and search for our school name.
Have a wonderful week.
God bless
Anthony Hyde