Music & Performing Arts
Here are some of the events and activities of the music department over the last few weeks.
We hosted a final ‘Dungeon concert’ for this year which included a BBQ before the event, highlighted some of the amazing performers we’ve seen throughout the year and had a lovely feeling with the friendly and supportive audience we attracted.
Several students; Jenna Charman, Addison Hockey, Bonnie Jackson and Charlotte Dahl, took advantage of an opportunity to support ‘The Velvet Club’ in a Jam youth concert. They performed some solo songs and as a group and were very well received.
We toured two primary schools and performed in front of the Hamilton PAC last week in what has become a traditional end of year event. George street primary school and Hamilton North Primary school were both receptive and seem to enjoy the musical stylings of many of their former students. The tour was enjoyable and provided an excellent goal and sense of completion to many of bands, ensembles and soloists who performed.