
Throughout the year Visual Art Students have been able to create, make and present many creative artworks in a variety of artforms. Included in this issue of the Globe are some fantastic examples of the year 7 & 8, picturesque landscape paintings made this semester. 

The key skill learnt was how to make large, medium, and small sized lines, combine with light, medium and dark colours, so that we could make objects appear close and far away, and in turn, create an amazing sense of 3-dimensional space within the landscape. 





I commend the many students who have participated in the Young Artist Art Shows. The success experienced has taken a variety of different forms. It was a highlight to see the viewing audience, gather around student artworks, pointing at the subject matter, smiling as they contemplate the ideas and concepts being visually communicated through the artworks. Another highlight was a quote from one of the year 7 exhibitors, who was awarded a distinction at the Glenthompson Art Show, he said, "I didn't even try, next time I am going to try my best, I think I could do even better if I tried". It makes me proud to hear this kind of courage and determination to succeed from one of our young artists.