From  Our Students

Guest Reporters:Taylor, Ellery and Bella

For each edition of our newsletter a small team of students are invited to become our Guest Reporters and share with you some of their experiences.   This week we are pleased to have reports from:

Bella, Taylor & Ellery


School Cross Country Run

The students participated in cross 

 this term, it was great to see everyone give it their best shot!  It was a different route to last year, and we loved the challenge! It was a hard time, but the we showed resilience by giving it a go and not giving up. There were some fast runners that’s for sure! Thanks to everyone in our school community that came to help.



Draw Like a Cartoonist!

Richard Galbraith is a well-known children’s artist and cartoonist who took the students through drawing cartoons of their own. It was great to have him come in and guide the students through the activities! 


The kids drew characters like Aliens, Snowmen and so much more! They were able to bring characters to life in their cartoon!


Seniors Excursion to the Queen Vic Markets!


Seniors made their way to the Queen Victoria Markets to learn about economics for enquiry. In Inquiry, they have to create a stall like at the markets. 


“My favourite part was going through the toy section – I brought a mood octopus!” – Bella 


“I loved the 3D printed objects sections – where you could pretend the animals were your pets!” – Taylor 


“My favourite part was going up the stairs at flagstaff station” – Ellery.