Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends
Welcome to Term 1! As always, the P&F Team has some fantastic plans for the year ahead that we can’t wait to share with you. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful parents who have taken on P&F roles this year, without their support the P&F just wouldn’t be possible.
Over the summer break the installation of our bubblers was finalised and it’s so great to see the children enjoying these as a result of all the hard work and support that goes into fundraising to make our school even greater.
Last week we welcomed our school community and new families to OLA celebrating with a morning tea in our Community Hub that was generously provided by our Grade 1 families. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution and abundant spread for all to enjoy. A special thanks to Pascale Arlove, Rachel Leahy, Eleasha Vranjes, Linda Rumsay and Laura Morel for helping to make this morning tea run so successfully.
Next Friday, we look forward to welcoming all OLA families to our Welcome Picnic to enjoy live music, face painting and activities on the oval. Sausages and cold drinks will be available to purchase and you are most welcome to bring your own picnic basket. If you would like to get involved and support our wonderful team on the night, please sign up here
As always, if you would like to be involved in supporting the P&F throughout the year please make contact with any of the 2024 P&F Team listed below who can discuss with you ways you can contribute. We are still looking for a Grade 1 Class Rep to work alongside Anthea.
Kind regards,
Lauren Koukoumanos & Claudelle Salter
P&F Team Contacts
Co-Chairs | Lauren Koukoumanos
Claudelle Salter
| 0403 213 095
0409 844 392 |
Secretary | Eli Dunlevie
| 0411 757 883 |
Treasurer | Ben Gray
| 0459 334 189 |
Prep | Taryn Foster
Celeste Casillo | 0414 595 957
0447 399 990 |
Grade 1 | Anthea Plousi
| 0411 710 707 |
Grade 2 | Eli Dunlevie
Ben Gray
Marie De Marco
| 0411 757 883
0459 334 189
0403 086 792 |
Grade 3 | Dominique Monotti
Pascale Arlove
Rachel Leahy | 0402 065 056
0409 374 337
0413 348 768 |
Grade 4 | Olivia Moran
Alysha Crawford
Yvonne Sweeny | 0420 490 713
0404 283 615
0484 275 652 |
Grade 5 | Elizabeth Semmel
Cliff Maillard | 0410 665 252
0425 771 869 |
Grade 6 | Gabriella Yani
Virginia Derricott | 0402 557 792
0418 373 866 |
Second Hand Uniform Store | Dominique Monotti
Linda Rumsay
| 0402 065 056
0404 079 592 |
Scholastic Book Club | Yvonne Sweeny
| 0484 275 652 |